Undergraduate Internships

Connecting Scholarship with Community

Undergraduate Internships

Internships provide practical work experience and application of classroom subjects and studies.

Students work closely with the internship director and campus career center to give you the most positive internship experience and preparation for your journey.

This internship prepares students to be professionals in the workplace. Interns will work on culturally appropriate practices, advocacy, and respect for diversity.  They will build resumes, cover letters, work place etiquette, networking, informational interviews, and other career skills.

For students, the time spent working an internship is a great addition to your professional portfolio and will give you an edge when applying for post-graduation positions.

Organizations receive the benefit of having students who are culturally competent and dedicated to respecting diversity as well as making a positive impact on the community. They bring a wide range of skills and awareness while you demonstrate how to make our communities better places to live.

The overall goal of the internship program is to connect our scholarship with the community, meet the diversity of the classroom to the diversity of the community.

For more information please visit the CSU Career Center.

Contact Department Coordinators

Please contact doreen.martinez@colostate.edu for ethnic studies questions and caridad.souza@colostate.edu for women’s and gender studies questions.

Ethnic Studies Internship Coordinator

Dr. Doreen E. Martinez

  • Associate Professor

Women's Studies Internship Coordinator

Caridad Souza

  • Associate Professor


Ethnic Studies Internship FAQ Sheet

Women’s and Gender Studies Internship FAQ Sheet

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Deadline: Rolling

Smithsonian Internship Opportunities Focused on Increasing Diversity

The Smithsonian has thousands of internship and fellowship opportunities year-round. Hundreds of graduate students and holders of doctorates come to the Smithsonian to do independent research under the guidance of a member of our world-class research staff. Fellows have the opportunity to study and work intensively with Smithsonian collections and experts in their fields and beyond. In addition, more than 1,500 students pursue internships offered across the organization.

Deadline: Rolling

Juntos Community Internships

​As a Communications & Community Engagement Intern, you will play a crucial role in managing communications and building relationships with community members and stakeholders to support access to upward economic mobility and well-being for undocumented residents of Coloradans.

  • This internship may last 1-2 semesters depending on the interest of the applicant.
  • Part-time (10-15 hours per week) interns will be compensated with a $2,500 stipend per semester.
  • Full-time (30 hours per week) interns will be compensated $4,000 per semester.

As an Advocacy Intern, you will play a crucial role in conducting research, advocating and building relationships with stakeholders for improved access to upward economic mobility and well-being for undocumented residents of Coloradans.

  • This internship may last 1-2 semesters depending on the interest of the applicant. 

  • Part-time (10-15 hours per week) interns will be compensated with a $2,500 stipend per semester.

  • Full-time (30 hour per week) interns will be compensated $4,000 per semester.

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