The Culture of Health Leaders Institute for Racial Healing, a program of the National Collaborative for Health Equity funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, has selected Colorado State University faculty member Doreen E. Martinez to join its third national cohort.
After a very difficult upbringing, Delilah Lopez graduated from CSU in May some help from members of the Ram family and the Native American community in Fort Collins.
Dr. Ray Black, an associate professor of Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies, will represent CSU in the Humanities Academy as our WICHE Fellow for 2024-2026.
The CSU Department of Ethnic Studies received a $100,000 Mellon Grant to create a Distinguished Lecture Series in race, gender, and ethnic studies. The series, which will resume in the fall of 2024, will bring important scholars to CSU for public talks, reading groups, and meetings.
It is increasingly becoming clear that Haiti has neither the means nor the ability to pull itself out of this quagmire on its own, raising the prospect of – and calls for – foreign intervention. So far, to that end, Kenya has offered 1,000 armed policemen; other countries may chip in. The United States and Europe have pledged millions of dollars in aid.
Supporting first-generation college students is a passion for Maira Oliva Hernandez, a CSU graduate student in the Student Affairs in Higher Education program.
Sure, a political science 101 textbook might offer one definition, but students in a special Colorado State University class have been given a space to create their own, culminating in a Constitutional Convention at the end of the semester.