
Passionate About Our Research

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Race and Sport Culture


Mentorship of Black Student-Athletes at a Predominately White American University:

Critical Race Theory Perspective on Student-Athlete Development

Mentoring programs are evolving as common practice in athletic departments across national collegiate athletic association member institutions in the USA as means to address sociocultural issues faced by their student-athletes and to enhance their holistic development.


Living the Dream or Awakening From the Nightmare:

Race and Athletic Identity

Considering the over‐representation of African American athletes in revenue‐producing sports in colleges, universities and at the professional ranks, it is no surprise that many African American male youth develop aspirations for, and identify with the athletic role.


Lifting the Veil:

Exploring Colorblind Racism in Black Student Athlete Experiences

This case study engaged a critical race theory (CRT) perspective and colorblind ideologies to advance an understanding of participant experiences and extend the CRT literature. Findings indicate that participants recognize racial beliefs and racial inequities abound and that colorblind racism has indirectly affected their experiences and perceptions.

Journal-College Student-Development

Game Changers:

The Role Athletic Identity and Racial Identity Play on Academic Performance

The academic outcomes of Black student athletes are a growing concern to both scholars and practitioners focused on improving the student athlete experience at this elite level of college sports. Results of this study indicate higher measures of athletic identity predict lower GPA.



Academic and Athletic Integration of a Southern PWI Basketball Program

The purposes of this study were to: (a) analyze the insights and experiences of the 1st African American student-athlete (in basketball) at a prominent predominantly White institution in the Deep South as well as the later insights and experiences of his sons at the same university; and (b) to present a counterstory to the dominant historical rendering …


Diamonds in the Rough:

Examining a Case of Successful Black Male Student Athletes in College Sport

The present case study investigated the self-perceptions and behaviors contributing to seven Black male student athletes’ success in managing their dual roles as students and athletes while navigating their college experience. Findings from this study are represented by the following themes: Complex Identities, Community, and Liberation.


Meet Me at the Crossroads:

African American Athletic and Racial Identity

This article addresses issues related to athletic and racial identity contextualized in the sport domain. The framework of the Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity (MMRI; Sellers, Smith, Shelton, Rowley, & Chavous, 1998) is used to investigate the potentially varied perceptions of African American collegiate student athletes' racial identities.

Indigeneity, Intersectionality, and Social Work


Intersectionality and Social Work:

Omissions of Race, Class, and Sexuality in Graduate School Education

This qualitative study explores student narratives and corresponding metaphorical drawings on power within an assignment charting their role as social workers. The research emerges from data where authors noted omissions of race, class, and sexuality in discussions on professional power.


Decolonizing Sexual Violence:

Professional Indigenous Women Shape the Research

This study explores how professional Indigenous women respond to the presentation of survey data on sexual assault in a conference setting. Sexual assault survey data presented within the context of colonization can provide a platform for Indigenous women to speak out.

Advances in Social Work

Understanding Fathering among Native-American Men

This study explores fathering among self identified Native American men who have been identified as father or father figure to children involved in the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project. This research study highlights United States policies and their effects on Native American families particularly fathers.


Unpacking Race, Culture, and Class in Rural Alaska:

Native and Non-Native Multidisciplinary Professionals' Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse

The purpose of this study was to unpack notions of class, culture, and race as they relate to multidisciplinary team (MDT) professionals and their perceptions of prevalence in child sexual abuse cases in Native and non-Native rural Alaska communities.


Unpacking Race, Culture, and Class in Rural Alaska:

Native and Non-Native Multidisciplinary Professionals' Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse

The purpose of this study was to unpack notions of class, culture, and race as they relate to multidisciplinary team (MDT) professionals and their perceptions of prevalence in child sexual abuse cases in Native and non-Native rural Alaska communities.


Cultural Competence, Justice, and Supervision:

Sexual Assault Against Native Women

This article outlines the plight of Native women with regard to sexual assault and abuse and provides an overview of the sensitivity and knowledge that social workers and other mental health workers should have when working with Native American women.


Roe Bubar and Pamela Jumper Thurman:

Violence Against Native Woman

This article is an exploration of the high rates of violence against Native women. Implications for research and practice that address the needs of Native women are identified. Voices of Native women from tribal communities are incorporated within the article and the Community Readiness model is introduced as a potential tool in working with tribal communities …

Race, Sexualities and Disability


Child Sexual Abuse and HIV/AIDS in Indian Country

The scant literature on the relationship between child sexual abuse and HIV/AIDS as well as information on the health and well- being problems that Native American children encounter is presented here.


The Goddess on Wheels:

Maria R. Palacios

This article discusses the performance work by disability activist, Maria R. Palacios who is a Latina feminist writer, poet and spoken word performer. Using narrative inquiry as a method of investigation, performances by Palacios are analyzed within the context of sexuality and disability studies.


International Women in South Korea's Sex Industry:

A New Commodity Frontier

The influx of Russian entertainers and sex workers to South Korea exemplifies complex intersections of cultural and economic factors that fuel international migration of women. This article discusses the role of race and nationalism in constructing the ideal type of Western women that serves as a new commodity frontier.

Higher Education


The Voicing of Chicana/Latina Ethnicity, Emotion and Equity in Higher Education Narratives

The purpose of this work is to show the ways in which Chicanas/Latinas express their ethnic selves or sense of ethnic identity in the voicing of their educational life stories. Guided by grounded theory, finer distinctions within the conceptual domains of ethnic identity are uncovered, there­by allowing us to specify the conditions.


Chicana/Latina Undergraduate Cultural Capital:

Surviving and Thriving in Higher Education

The primary goal of this work is to demonstrate that Chicanas/Latinas do have cultural capital that assists in academic success, as well as a sense of efficacy or agency within the system of higher education. As such, various subcategories of cultural capital are explored through the life stories of Chicanas/Latinas …

Law, Race and Society


From the Myth of Formal Equality to the Politics of Social Justice:

Race and the Legal Attack on Native Entitlements

This article examines how the conservative legal movement's successful countermobilization of the politics of rights enables U.S. Supreme Court outcomes that exacerbate racial and ethnic inequities while solidifying the privileged position of others in the name of equality.


From Bakke to Grutter:

Rearticulating Diversity and Affirmative Action in Higher Education

In this article, I examine 3 states-California, Texas, and Florida-that uniquely responded to the state of disarray that the Bakke decision created, and assesses the contradictions of replacing affirmative action with alternative programs that appeal to notions of meritocracy, equal opportunity, and diversity.

Politics of Race, Culture and Citizenship


The Georgetown Journal of Law and Modern Critical Race Perspectives

This article examines the latest changes in the (re)definition of citizenship in the Dominican Republic by looking at changes in immigration policies, laws, constitutional modifications, and court decisions.


The 2004 presidential election in the Dominican Republic

On 16 May 2004, the Dominican Republic held its third consecutive presidential election since major changes to its electoral system in 1994. The winner was former president Leonel Fernández (1996–2000) of the Partido de la Liberación Dominicana (Dominican Liberation Party, PLD), who easily achieved victory by campaigning on the incumbent administration's dismal economic record. The election was a major reversal of fortune for President Hipólito Mejía of the Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (Dominican Revolutionary Party, PRD), who was bent on re-election despite a widespread economic crisis. It signified a swing of the political pendulum back to the opposition—after just four years—by people desperate for change.


The Politics of Culture in Multicultural Korea

I utilise the concepts of ‘cultural paternalism’ and ‘cultural fetishism’ in order to capture the manner in which the dominant members of Korean society define the terms of and approaches to dealing with cultural diversity, reduce the complex issues of social equality to cultural differences, and treat culture as a fetish by uniformly emphasising the expressive dimensions of culture.


‘Probably Impossible’:

Multiculturalism and Pluralisation in Present-Day Japan

This article offers a critical engagement with multiculturalism and pluralisation in Japan. While recent efforts to introduce multicultural policies such as ‘domestic internationalisation’ policies and the textbook reform movement are encouraging, I suggest that they are limited as they fail to address notions of exclusivity that shape Japanese identity.


The Third-Order multiculturalism:

civil rights, diversity, and equality in Korea’s multicultural education

This paper examines the politics of South Korea’s multicultural discourse and locates its recent development in the context of a broader analytical discussion about multiculturalism.

International Labor and Civic Activism


The Political Economy of the Mexican Farm Labor Program, 1942-64

Drawing upon congressional hearings, international treaties, and government reports, this essay uses a political economy perspective to examine the process by which U.S. agriculture has come to depend on Mexican workers and the continued rationalization of foreign agricultural worker programs through a state-business alliance.


California's Agribusiness and the Farm Labor Question:

The Transition from Asian to Mexican Labor, 1919-1939

During the interwar period, California's labor-intensive agriculture transitioned from reliance on diverse immigrants to preference for Mexicans. Political movements to restrict immigration, the Great Depression, and labor unrest compelled farm employers to search for labor that could be used flexibly and deported easily..

International Labor Instruments

State, Civil Society and International Norms:

Expanding the Political and Labor Rights of Foreigners in South Korea

This article examines how the South Korean industrial trainee program systematically produces unauthorized workers and highlights the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in protecting the human rights of foreign workers.

International Labor Instruments

Insurgency and Advocacy:

Unauthorized Foreign Workers and Civil Society in South Korea

This paper examines the dynamic role of the state, civil society groups and international conventions in expanding the rights of foreigners in South Korea. The South Korean case illustrates the dynamic interplay of actors involved in major policy developments concerning interethnic marriages, citizenship, and the temporary foreign worker program.


Embedded Solidarity:

International Migrant Labor Advocacy in South Korea

The paper underscores the agentic power of society’s vulnerable populations, such as undocumented immigrant workers, despite the market-driven forces of globalization that disrupts communities and disciplines workers.