Graduation Video Memories & Messages

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  • Ethnic Studies Graduation Spring-Summer 2021

    CONGRATULATIONS as you enter the homestretch of your time at CSU and with the Department of Ethnic Studies! To highlight your achievements and recognize our community, we will be producing a graduation video that shares images, memories and messages from graduating students. Please complete this brief survey to be part of our graduation video. The deadline for submissions is May 3
  • Please answer at least one (or feel free to answer all!) of the following short answer items

  • 0 of 125 max characters
  • 0 of 135 max characters
  • 0 of 100 max characters
  • 0 of 135 max characters
  • Please share 1-3 photos - a headshot or profile pic and 1-2 more of you doing something afield, in class or lab, or from dept./CSU events or activities
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, tif, Max. file size: 25 MB.
    • NOTE: By sharing this info, you are agreeing to allow us to include this content and images as part of the Department of Ethnic Studies commencement video for Spring 2021. The video will be available via Youtube as an unlisted file (only accessible with the link). The department may also opt to use images on social media with your permission. Please choose personal preference from dropdown menu
    • If it is OK to use your images in social media posts about commencement or student spotlights, please feel free to share your social media handles if you would like to be tagged on Instagram; Facebook; or Twitter.