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Date(s) - November 19, 2024
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

LSC 386, Lory Student Center


The Distinguished Lecture Series on Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies welcomes Dr. Marquis Bey to CSU Tuesday, November 19

Marquis BeyPublic Talk
Everything We Might Have Been: Trans, Nonbinary, and Abolitionist Musings

In this talk, Dr. Bey will discuss the radical, abolitionist potential of trans and nonbinary life. Trans and nonbinary are understood as political orientations that interrogate gender, leading to a way of life that asks us to imagine other possibilities for living.

Dr. Marquis Bey (they/them, or any pronouns) is Professor of Black Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies at Northwestern University. Their work concerns trans and nonbinary studies, black feminist theory, and abolition. They are the author, most recently, of Black Trans Feminism and Cistem Failure: Essays on Blackness and Cisgender, both published in 2022 with Duke University Press. They have a forthcoming book titled A Nonbinary Life.

Supported by the Mellon Foundation, CSU’s Distinguished Lecture Series on Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies brings important scholars to campus for public talks, reading groups, and meetings. The multi-year series provides students, faculty and CSU community members opportunities to converse with top scholars in the field who frame the conversation on race, gender, and ethnic studies. For any questions, please contact Department Chair Sushmita Chatterjee at sushch@colostate.edu.