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Date(s) - October 14, 2024
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

LSC 386, Lory Student Center


The Distinguished Lecture Series on Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies welcomes Dr. Banu Subramaniam to CSU Monday, October 14

Banu SubramaniamPublic Talk
For the love of plants: Plant worlds in the shadows of Empire

In this talk, Dr. Subramaniam will reflect on how gender, race, class, sexuality, and nation shape the foundational language, terminology, and theories of the modern plant sciences, and how botanical theories remain grounded in the violence of their colonial pasts. In wrestling with these difficult origins, she will lay a roadmap to imagine new biological frameworks that harness the power of feminist thought to reimagine and reinvigorate our love of plants.

Dr. Banu Subramaniam is the Luella LaMer Professor and Chair of Women’s and Gender Studies at Wellesley College. Trained as a plant evolutionary biologist, she engages the feminist studies of science in the practices of experimental biology and is the author of Botany of Empire (2024), Holy Science (2019) and Ghost Stories for Darwin (2016).

Supported by the Mellon Foundation, CSU’s Distinguished Lecture Series on Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies brings important scholars to campus for public talks, reading groups, and meetings. The multi-year series provides students, faculty and CSU community members opportunities to converse with top scholars in the field who frame the conversation on race, gender, and ethnic studies. For any questions, please contact Department Chair Sushmita Chatterjee at sushch@colostate.edu.