International & Indigenous



Cespedes, Karina. 2010. “Runaway Jineteras and Addicted Pingueros: the Narrative Crafting of Special Period Heroes and Devients.” In: A Window into Cuba and Cuban Studies. Eds. The UC-Cuba Academic Initiative: Amalia Cabezas, Rodigo Lazo, et al,.. Ediciones Callejon. Pp.77-106.

Cespedes, K., 2003, "Cuban Bomberas on Stage: Carmelita Tropicana at the Feet of Madness, Fate, and the State." In:Tortilleras: An Anthology of Queer Latinas and Performance, edited by Lourdes Torres. Temple University Press.

Cespedes, K., 2008, Cuban Tourism: Sex and Displacement. Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural Critique. Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2008. Pp. 1-17.

Dominican Republic

"I am currently looking at issues of race, identity, and citizenship in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, and it has recently modified its citizenship laws in order to exclude the children of undocumented immigrants from acquiring Dominican citizenship (as of 2010). This change affects mostly the children of Haitian migrants, who are a major source of cheap labor for various Dominican economic sectors. Moreover, a 2013 court decision stripped several generations of Haitian Dominicans of Dominican citizenship (dating back to 1929), rendering them stateless. I examine how Dominican citizenship and identity have expanded in transnational ways to include Dominicans residing overseas, but have become more limited in the domestic realm, turning into a sense of autochthony in which Haitians are the foreign, racialized Other." -Dr. Ernesto Sagas

Sagás, E., & Molina, S.E. (2004). Dominican Migration: Transnational Perspectives. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 284.

Sagás, E., & Inoa, O. (2003). The Dominican People: A Documentary History. Princeton, N.J.: Markus Wiener Publishers, 278.

Sagás, E. (2000) Race and Politics in the Dominican Republic. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 160.

Sagás, E. (2006). Las elecciones legislativas y municipales de 2006 en la República Dominicana. Revista de Ciencia Política,(Chile) 26(1), 152-157.

Sagás, E. (2005). The 2004 Presidential Election in the Dominican Republic. Electoral Studies, 24(1), 153-157.


Bubar, R., & Vernon, I. (2006). Contemporary Native American issues: Social life and issues. Philadelphia, PN: Chelsea House Publishers.

Bubar, R., Rouner, D., Vernon, I., Long, M. & Aungie, B. (2015). Rap about the clap: A qualitative study of American Indian youth and STDs/STIs. American Indian Culture and  Research Journal, 39(2), 53-67.

Rouner, D., Long, M., Bubar, R., & Vernon, I. (2015). Communication and self-concept regarding sexually transmitted infections among rural and urban Native American youth. Howard Journal of Communication, 26, 172-192.

Bubar, R. (2014). Decolonizing sexual violence: Professional Indigenous women shape the research. International Review of Qualitative Research, 6(4), 526-543.

Shears, J., Bubar, R., & Hall, R. (2011). Understanding fathering among Native American men. Advances in Social Work, 12(2), 201-217.

Bubar, R., & Bundy-Fazioli, K. (2011). Unpacking race, culture, and class in rural Alaska: Native and non-Native multidisciplinary professional’s perspectives on child sexual abuse. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 20, 1-19.

Bubar, R. (2010). Cultural competence, justice and supervision: Sexual assault against Native women. Journal of Women and Therapy, 33, 55-72.

Bubar, R., & Payne, D. (2006). Methamphetamines and child abuse in Native America. IHS Provider: A Journal for Health Professionals Working with American Indians and Alaska  Natives, 31(12), 7-9.

Bubar, R. (2014). Indigenous women and sexual assault: Implications for intersectionality. In H. Weaver (Ed.), Social issues in contemporary Native America: Reflections from turtle island (pp. 169-185).  Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishers Ltd. Referred.

Bubar, R., & Klar, D. (2009). Social work practice with Indigenous peoples and tribal communities. In B. Sheafor & M. Scott (Eds.) Social work: A profession of many faces 12th edition (pp. 437-459). Allyn & Bacon Press. Peer Reviewed.

Bubar, R., & Vernon, I. (2003). Native Perspective on Teaching Law and U.S. Policy: The Inclusion of Federal Indian Law and Policy in a College Curriculum. In W. Timpson & S. Canetto (Eds.) Teaching Diversity: Challenges and Complexities, Identities and Integrity (pp. 153-168). Madison: Atwood Press.

Sekaquaptewa, P., Bubar, R., & Cooke, J. (2008). A victim-centered approach to crimes against Indian children: Resource guide and workbook for drafting new or amended tribal laws on crimes against children. Santa Monica, CA: Tribal Law and Policy Institute. Peer Reviewed.

Bubar, R., Winoker, M., & Bartlemay, W. (2007). Perceptions of methamphetamine use in three western tribal communities: Implications for child abuse in Indian Country. Santa Monica, CA: Tribal Law and Policy Institute. Research Monograph. 

Macfarlane A.H., Macfarlane S., Cavanagh T., Angel M.N., Duckworth F., Fickel L.H. (2018) Psychosocial Analyses and Actions for Promoting Restorative Schools: Indigenous Determinants Connecting Three International Sites. In: McKinley E., Smith L. (eds) Handbook of Indigenous Education. Springer, Singapore

Nieto Angel, M.C., Cavanagh, T., Fickel, L.H., Macfarlane, S., Macfarlane, A.H., & Duckworth, F. (2015). Una Perspectiva Humanista para la Educación del Futuro: Revelaciones Internacionales. International Multilingual Journal of Contemporary Research, 3(1), 42-51. 

Cavanagh, T., Vigil, P, & Garcia, E. (2014). A story legitimating the voices of Latino/Hispanic students and their parents: Creating a restorative justice response to wrongdoing and conflict in schools. Equity and Excellence in Education, 47(4), 565-579. 

Vigil, P. M., Cavanagh, T., & Garcia, E. (2013). Developing peacemakers in the classroom: An alternative discourse in a culture of war and violence. Peace Studies Journal, 6(1), 79-91.

Cavanagh, T., Macfarlane, A., Glynn, T. & Macfarlane, S. (2012). Creating peaceful and effective schools through a culture of care. Discourse, 33(3). 443-455.

Berryman, M., Macfarlane, S. & Cavanagh, T. (2009). Indigenous contexts for responding to challenging behaviours: Contrasting Western accountability and Maori restoration of harmony. International Journal of Restorative Justice, 5(1), 1-32.

Cavanagh, T. (2003). Schooling for Peace: Caring for our Children in School. Experiments in Education, 31(8), 139-143.

New Zealand (Aotearoa) Maori

Macfarlane A.H., Macfarlane S., Cavanagh T., Angel M.N., Duckworth F., Fickel L.H. (2018) Psychosocial Analyses and Actions for Promoting Restorative Schools: Indigenous Determinants Connecting Three International Sites. In: McKinley E., Smith L. (eds) Handbook of Indigenous Education. Springer, Singapore

Bishop, R., Berryman, M. Cavanagh, T. & Teddy, L. (2009). Te Kotahitanga: Addressing educational disparities facing Maori students in New Zealand. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 25(5). 734-742.

Macfarlane, A., Glynn, T., Cavanagh, T. & Bateman, S. (2007). Creating culturally safe schools for Maori students. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 36, 65-76.

Glynn, E.L., Berryman, M., Loader, K. & Cavanagh, T. (2005). From literacy in Maori to biliteracy in Maori and English: A community and school transition programme. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Special issue: Bilingual/Immersion Education in Aotearoa/New Zealand, 8(5), 433-454.

Bishop, R., Berryman, M., Cavanagh, T. & Teddy, L. (2007). Te Kotahitanga phase 3 whakawhanaungatanga: Establishing a culturally responsive pedagogy of relations in mainstream secondary school. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Education Research Division.

Glynn, T., Cavanagh, T., Macfarlane, A.H. & Macfarlane, S. (2011). Listening to culture. In V. Margrain & A.H. Macfarlane (Eds.), Responsive pedagogy: Engaging restoratively with challenging behaviour (pp. 46-63) . Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Council for Education Research (NZCER) Press.

Cavanagh, T. (2011). Addressing the impacts of disparity: Creating a “Culture of Care” for Maori students in New Zealand schools. In P. Whitinui (Ed.), Kia Tangi Te Titi: Permission to Speak. Successful Schooling for Maori Students in the 21st Century: Issues, Challenges and Alternatives (pp. 46-57). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) Press.

Bishop, R., Berryman, M. Cavanagh, T. & Teddy, L. (2008). A culturally responsive pedagogy of relations: Effective teaching for Maori students. In A. St. George, S. Brown,  & J. O’Neill (Eds.), Facing the big questions in teaching: Purpose, power and learning (pp. 165-172). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Cengage Learning.



"Movement of people across national borders occurs for a variety of reasons. South Korea had been a labor-sending country for the most of the twentieth century until its rapid industrialization brought about a major shift in its dependence on foreign labor. Similar trends are found in Japan, Taiwan, and other industrializing countries that had traditionally resisted receiving immigrants and foreign laborers. The industrialization in South Korea simultaneously ushered in rural-to-urban migration, particularly of young females, that created a major gender imbalance and the shortage of marriageable women in rural communities. Consequently, local governments and private agencies promoted international marriages for rural men, who are at times considerably older than their spouses coming from countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, China, and the Philippines. These marriages greatly internationalized rural areas, as their children with mixed ethnic heritages began to matriculate into public school systems. My research focuses on these evolving changes in Korean society, with a focus on the role of civil society actors in facilitating societal integration through the discourses and policies of “damunhwa” or “multi-culture.” -Dr. Joon Kim

Kim, Joon K. 2015. “Embedded Solidarity: International Migrant Labor Advocacy in South Korea,” Research in the Sociology of Work: Immigration and Work 27:75-98.DOI: 10.1108/S0277-283320150000027015]

Lee, Jungwhan, Seokho Kim, and Joon K. Kim (corresponding author). 2015. "HIV/AIDS Knowledge among Migrant Workers in Korea," Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 24(4):540-554. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1177/0117196815606853

Kim, Joon K. 2014. “The Third-Order Multiculturalism: Civil Rights, Diversity and Equality in Korea’s Multicultural Education,” Asia Pacific Education Review 15(3):401-408. (SSCI) DOI:10.1007/s12564-014-9324-y []

Kim, Joon K. 2011. "The Politics of Culture in Multicultural Korea." Special Issue Guest Co-Editor, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(10): 1583-1604. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2011.613333 []

Kim, Joon K. and Rhacel Parrenas. 2011. "Multicultural East Asia." Special Issue Guest Co-Editor, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(10): 1555-1561. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2011.613331 []

Kim, Joon K. and May Fu. 2008. "International Women in South Korea's Sex Industry: A New Commodity Frontier." Asian Survey 48(3): 492-513. (SSCI) []

Kim, Joon K. 2005. "State, Civil Society and International Norms: Expanding the Political and Labor Rights of Foreigners in South Korea." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 14(4):383-418. (SSCI) []

Kim, Joon K. 2004. "Toward a Formulation of Foreign Worker Policy in South Korea: Lessons from Japan and Germany." Asia-Pacific Population Journal (United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), 19(2):41-68. []

Kim, Joon K. 2003. "Insurgency and Advocacy: Unauthorized Foreign Workers and Civil Society in South Korea." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 12(3):237-269. (SSCI) []

Kim, Joon K. 1996. "An International Labor Migration to Developing Countries in Asia: A Case Study of Korea." Korea Journal of Population and Development 25(2):287-332. [Name changed to Development and Society; []

Kim, Joon K. 2009. "Ijuminkwa kŏn'gang: Han'guk-esŏ mitŭngnok ijuminŭi pogŏnŭiryosŏbisŭ chŏpkŭnsŏngi pojangtoeŏya hanŭn'ga?" [Migrants and Health: Should Unauthorized Migrants have Access to Healthcare in Korea?], inHan'guksahoewa Ijuminkŏn'gang: oeguginnodongja ŭiryopaeksŏ 2 [Korean Society and Migrant Health: The White Papers on the Migrant Worker Health II], pp. 277-96. Seoul, Korea: ch'ŏngnyŏn ŭisa. []

Kim, Joon K. 2008. "Insurgency and Advocacy: Unauthorized Foreign Workers and Civil Society in South Korea." In Korean Studies Forum , Vol. 3, ed. Hyuk-Rae Kim, 289-330. Seoul, Korea: Yonsei University Press.

Kim, Joon K. 2008. "A Comparative View of Guest Worker Programs in Germany and the United States: Lessons for Korea." InIjuminui Daehanminkuk [Immigrant Korea] , ed. Cheol Seoung Lee. Changwon, Korea: Gyungnam Migrant Workers Counseling Office.

Kim, Joon K. 2002. “Preface.” In Between Two Adversaries: Korean Interpreters at Japanese Alien Enemy Detention Center during World War II, Henry Hyung-ju Ahn. Fullerton, Calif.: Oral History Program, California State University, Fullerton.